New Year....Same Me

2017 wasn't my favorite year. It was a year of realization and growth. It was the majority of my last year in my 20's. It was exciting, stressful, frustrating, and one big lesson.

I learned a few things this year that I want to take into 2018.

1. Stop stressing about what others think. Dr. Seuss said it best " In the end those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter."

2.  Don't let people get to you. We all have flaws. We aren't changing anyone..even though we wish we could. Accept people for who they are, we are accepted by others every day.

3. Comparing yourself to others will only lead to disappointment. Someone will always have more than you.

4. Stick to your plans, even when they get hard. Like a blog or working out.

5. Be the best version of yourself. Mentally, physically, and spiritually.

6. Demand respect.

7. Controversy isn't always a bad thing.

2018, the year I say good bye to my twenties. This is going to be a good year, because I am going to make it a good year.

Be prepared, this blog is about to get pretty awesome. :)

Share with your friends.

Have the happiest new year.



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