Me Before C

This goes out to the moms, soon to be moms, the wannabe moms, new  moms, and most importantly, the tired mama. The mom that loves her kids so much and couldn't imagine life any other way, but reminisces about the days before the babes.

Hi. I am Lauren,  and I am a struggling mom.

This is me and my beautiful son, Conor.

As you can see, Conor never cries, screams, hits, bites, or throws anything he can get his chubby hands on. Nope, never. Well, at least in this one picture he wasn't. Every moment after this he is pretty much a terror. The cutest terror ever, but indeed a monster.

This blog is to make light of the daunting task we call motherhood. To build a community of laughter and encouragement for the new moms and moms in general that are struggling with an identity crisis.
Let me be honest, if you are all about motherhood, and you want to do nothing else but be a  mom, that is amazing, but this blog isn't for you. I am not a professional mom or blogger , this  is just my personal journey to embrace the new me, while also holding on to the "old Lauren" I once was.  The Lauren before pregnancy  jacked up my body in every way possible.

As I am flirting with 30 I have realized one thing, I want Conor to see me happy. I want to experience life with him (well at least until it becomes creepy for mom to be hanging around). I want Conor to understand that as much mom loves him, he comes second to his father. I want him to see a healthy marriage, so that he will understand how to be a loving and faithful husband one day. I want
him to have a life. I want him to see that parents don't lose their identity when they have a child. I want Conor to love him self some Jesus. All day, every day. I want him to be a good person. Period.

Yes, trust me I know becoming a parent is a real game changer. I would be a terrible parent if I said my life hasn't changed to fit Conor's needs. This past year, I stopped being me and became "the mom of C". It was depressing! Trust me when I say postpartum is REAL)! Once the depression started to slip away, I realized I needed to take control and do something to motivate me. Hello blog!

 So let me get real honest with you..

1. I haven't lost any baby weight...not a pound.
2. I miss the days of going to the gym and happy hour.
3. I miss my alone time with my husband.
4. I love being a mom.

Whew! That felt good. Be honest with yourself. It's okay to miss the days before the babe. Hell, it's even okay to miss the days before BAE (I hate that word,but it just felt right). I have been with my husband for eight years...practically my whole twenties. When I say I miss th e days before him, it's not as scandalous as what you may think.  What I miss is being alone in an apartment, watching my own shows, and not having to share closet space. Would I change what I have now for more closet space? Hmm... Maybe. Just kidding, no. Not in a million years. My husband is a part of me, I am not me without him. But, it's still nice to remember the days before him.

(This is my husband, Alec. He drives me crazy, but I could stare at him all day. )

So my question... How do I bring back the fun, care-free side that I loved so much about myself  and incorporate it with this new mature version of myself? I don't know, but before I turn 30 I want to
have it figured out.

Now the goals..

1.Lose 30 pounds
2.Take care of myself... beauty and health wise
3.Become more spiritual
4.Make time for not just family, but friends as well
6.Date my husband again.

The Lauren before Conor made time for these things. The " Mommy Lauren" can make time for these things too... in between naps and diaper changes.

These goal are what  my posts will be about...documenting my attempts to accomplish them and how  to have fun doing them. I really don't know how I will, but I know I have to. Let's do this!!!!!

I hope this encourages you to set goals for yourself. Let's do this together. The world needs more women encouraging each other.

Until next time my gal pals!!!



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