What happened to me?!?!

Seriously, what the hell happened to me? I want my 125 pound body back..

Hold that thought..

Before I get on a tangent about my weight issues, I haven't really shared who I am. I am Lauren and I live in beautiful Austin, Texas with my husband and son. I love where I live, so many opportunities are here in Austin, and not to mention the hill country is breathtaking.  I  went to college in San Marcos (go bobcats!), and my husband is from here. We moved here from Dallas, my hometown, a little over a month ago. Dallas will forever hold my heart, but as attached as I am to my family and friends in Dallas, central Texas is where I am supposed to be.  I have a career in Special Education that I have been pursuing for the past six years. I love what I do and I love the people in the SPED community. I am very lucky to have the same best friends from childhood, with added best friends from college. To say I am blessed is an understatement.

(This is me, frizz hair and no make up, all day err day) 

So, why start a blog? 

To hold me accountable. To see if there are other moms or just women in general out there feeling the same way as me. Maybe there is someone out there ,who has her sh** together and can give me

What happened to me?

Good question. This year hasn't been the easiest for my family. We lost loved ones, moved, welcomed a new baby, lost our puppy, found new jobs.... you get the point? Life happened. Slowly but surely I started to not care so much about myself and focused on the events happening in my life. Oh, and postpartum depression happened... 

Back to me pouting about my weight gain

( Post -baby body) 

(Pre-Conor body. Now you get it?)

When it comes to my weight, I am an emotional eater. Ask anyone, I can eat. When I was pregnant, although I was sick for most of my pregnancy,  I felt very confident about my body. I felt no need to watch my figure during pregnancy, since I was just trying to hold down crackers for the first 30 weeks. Once Conor was born, I kept eating like a pregnant women, and had the mentality that  since  girlfriends and sisters bounced right back after baby, I would too. WRONG. I am now 30 pounds over my starting weight ,  and that is exactly how much I gained my whole pregnancy.


I was 9 months pregnant when I lost my grandmother to cancer. I loved her so much, but I didn't mourn her loss until after Conor arrived because I didn't want to go into preterm labor. Once I was able to to mourn that loss, I turned to that sneaky little devil....food. I can't remember a time  not using food to cope with hard times or even good times.When I am sad I eat and when I am happy I eat. WTF!!   Two weeks ago, I was with my friend and her car wasn't starting. As she is getting frustrated, and my son is crying in the backseat, instead of helping her or calm down the screaming baby in the back, I grabbed a spinach wrap and started chowing down!! WHO DOES THAT? Me. 

That's when I realized that this isn't normal

While riding in an Uber from downtown Austin with my sweaty, sleepy child, it hit me. I USE FOOD AS A CRUTCH. Why? Hell if I knew I wouldn't be in this mess.
As I was telling my husband about my realization, the look on his face showed me that he was already aware of that. He wouldn't dare say it to my face, he knows  I don't take constructive criticism very well.

Something else I should probably work on..

So, that's where I am at right now, admitting I have a problem. That is the first step, right? 
You can be happy at any weight, and you can be beautiful at any weight. The important thing is that YOU feel beautiful. I feel beautiful 30 pounds lighter.
But, I don't just want to  feel beautiful, I want to be a positive  example for my son. I want him to have an active lifestyle and good eating habits. Part of finding this balance between the old Lauren and the mom version of me, is that I have to be aware of the fact that I am a parent now  and little eyes are always looking up to me. This means that some parts of me (sexy Halloween costumes) will have to stay in the past.

So what happened to me was a mixture of laziness, depression, and a little bit of avoidance.
Don't get me wrong, I was extremely happy about my baby, but I let life events take over. 

Good lord, I am a mess.

Did I mention that I hate working out? The gym is the worst. I have to find activities that trick me into believing I  am just having fun. High maintenance much?
Becoming in shape as a mom is different than becoming in shape as a single adult. I have to find the time and a baby sitter. This is where I would usually just give up, but instead I decided to make a meal plan, calendar, and work out schedule.

Here is the plan

For meals, I  will be eating  low carb.  For two weeks I usually stay between 25-30 carbs a day.  I put my body in Ketosis to help burn fat and then after the two weeks, I raise the carbs to 50. This has worked for me before and I have even noticed that  lowering   my carbohydrate intake helps with my Attention Deficit Disorder.

I do a meal plan and grocery shopping every Sunday. Once I make my meal plan, I will post it.

For working out, my goal is to just be active once a day. Swimming, biking, soccer, running or whatever. Occasionally I will take a few classes, and attempt camp gladiator. I am pretty cheap, so I have a Planet Fitness gym membership for 20 dollars, and then I try and weasel my way into any free classes around Austin.

For babysitting, since I have the summer off , I will work around my husbands work schedule. Work out early or when he gets home. When those times don't  work I will find activities to do with Conor.

What do you think? Can we do this together?

Do you have any tips for starting to work out again after baby? Do you know of  any good sales on work out clothes?  If I am going to work out I need to look cute! Comment below and let me know if you plan on getting back into shape after having a baby or just getting back into shape.
I am all about promoting yourself, if you are a professional in the fitness community PROMOTE  in the comment section below.

I will be posting my meal plan soon!

Starting weight.. 156.  I will update weekly!

Good luck!!




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