My twenties bucketlist

Today I realized that I have less than a year to get my life in order before the big 3-0. I dont know what I think is going to happen once 3-0 hits. I feel like I should be as prepared as my mom was for Y2K. The world is going to end.

I have personal goals that I have mentioned in previous posts that I want to accomplish before 30 that are pretty serious. I figured I needed to have fun too this year, and  I thought it would be pretty rad to document it.

So here it goes..

1. Zip line... #basic
2. Brazilian wax.... meeooww
3. Ride a horse
4. Color my hair a crazy color....because after 29 it is unacceptable...or 21, but YOLO.
5. Run a half marathon...dreams
6. Attempt counseling
7. Sky dive.... eeek!
8. Try Botox.... i have to do this in secret because my husband is very against it.
9. Teach my son to swim.... i feel like Conor should have to do something too.
10. Learn photography

Pretty basic. What do you expect from a 29 year old...

Maybe my 30's bucket list will include a nipple piercing.

What is one thing you want to do before you hit a certain age? Be creative!



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