Back to school..

"To show daddy I'm not a fool"

(So long sweet summer)

It is that time of year again! Summer is almost over and the kids are about to be running out the door....and running into my classroom. This time of year can be emotional as some kids are starting school for the first time or and some are starting for the last time. Parents can become stressed and overwhelmed as the to-do list gets longer and all of the activities begin.

Let the unnecessary stress begin...

I have been teaching for six years and I have only been a parent for one. I feel like I have earned my stripes as a teacher, but not as parent yet.  I have seen it all when it comes to teaching. I have seen the over-bearing parent to the uninvolved parent. I have seen the out of control kid to the perfect student. I have been supported and I have also been "the reason" why someone's child is not passing. I have seen it all.

I feel like I should give some of my parent's some advice to help your relationship with your children's teacher. When you are a parent you tend to think your child is the only person sitting in the are wrong. SO WRONG. Unless your child is in homeschool, and then your just emailing yourself.

So here goes my advice. Remember to take this light heartedly, as long as you are involved in your child's education then you are doing AWESOME..

1. I will start with what I just wrote, your kid is not the only student in the class. You are not the only parent that I am communicating with. If you email the teacher in the morning, dont expect the teacher to email you right back... We are teaching your know, what you are claiming we are not doing!

2.  We love our students. Even the wild ones. Dont be embarrassed if your child acts out in class, chances are this isnt the first time we have had to deal with this situation and it wont be the last. Unless your kid makes us quit our job... just kidding!

3. Appreciate us. We realize that it takes a village to raise a child, and we are apart of that village. We don't get paid very much, so realize that we are there because we want to be. A pat on the back is always nice, or a gift card.. just saying :)

4. Hold your child accountable. If your child's teacher is trying to teach your student to not scream inside, then dont let them do it at home. A child has to see these lessons both at home and at school. You will see SO much growth if you have the same expectations for your kid as we do at school.

5. Don't blame us if your child is failing a class. I hear this all of the time, "well why aren't you passing my student?" Well, because I am not in control if your student passes or fails. If Johnny hasn't brought his homework to school in two weeks...guess what he is going to fail. DUH.  I am not saying there isnt bad teachers out in the world, but most aren't out to fail your kid. Why would we want them in our class again? :)

6. There are two sides to every story. I have seen it numerous times, a student tells mom that the teacher was racist (love that one) to them and mom  comes up to the school screaming and going crazy because someone messed with their baby. Yeah... well did your baby tell you that they were using profanity and when the teacher told them that the word *%&## is inappropriate and their parent would be called, they turned around and blamed the teacher for the word? Yeah... that happens. ALOT.

7. We have a life. When school is over, I go home to my family. Respect that.

I love teaching, and luckily I have been blessed with wonderful students and parents.  Have a great year. Your student will grow tremendously when both the teacher and parent are on the same team.

( I am putting this picture up because it looks like  that poster that is in EVERY classroom)


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