Weight update

First week of weight loss blogging  and what do I do? I blew it.

Now for the excuses..

We have been out of town for the past two weeks. One week in Florida and then came home to the news that my husband's grandma was going to pass away any day now. We rushed to her side and stayed at our aunt's house for the last week trying to help where we could. She passed away on Friday. 

Needless to say, my whole diet/cooking plan was thrown out the window. I did get a Camp Gladiator class in this week and tried to run around with Conor as much as I could. 

Let's talk about CG...

I really enjoyed Camp Gladiator. My sister in law joined and got me a free pass. If you haven't realized I am a cheapskate and will take any free handout.  We started out with core strengthening exercises and did not use any weights at all. It took me back to my high school basketball days ( B team captain, kind of a big a deal). Wall sits, burpees, and planks....kill me now. We ended the class with cardio, which I didn't mind, because at one point in my life I used to be a runner.

Until the trainer told us what to do...

We would run to a pole  and back for 10 seconds and finish with one burpee and then switch with our partner. Each time we went, we added 10 more seconds each rep....until we were at 90 seconds per turn.  In the Texas heat.... smart. 

Sounds pretty easy

First up and back and then a burpee..man this feels good.
Two up and backs and then two burpees.. ok maybe doesn't feel that good
Three...why the hell did I come to this
Four.... this is where I realized I was about to pass out
Six....getting dizzy....feeling the throw up
Seven.... I'm done... got a rag soaked in Eucalyptus oil and water and put it behind my neck, is this stuff magic?  I felt good again. 
Skipped 8....I didn't feel THAT good. 
9.. I did it! Don't puke like that guy just did in the corner.


It sucked, but it felt good after the dizziness went away. 

Each time I did a rep(?) I would think of a reason as to why I was working out..
1. My baby
2. My husband
3. Me
4. My husbands grandma who wasn't able to get out of bed
5. My friends.... I don't like being the "Chrissy" of the group, if you know what I mean.
6. Health
7. My faith....the whole body is a temple thing came to mind.
8. I was passing out at this point
9. My family

                                                      ( A few of my reasons to work out)

 I have two days here in Austin and then we are off to the beach again.

This week I have given up cokes. I plan to give up something every week. Maybe next week I will give up exercise.. HA! 

Meal Plan:
 Breakfast: eggs/coffee/ half avocado/
 Lunch: Tuna fish salad/ lunch meat and cheese / small portion of salad
 Dinner: Hamburgers without the bun/ tilapia and a small portion of veggies/ Small steaks and a vegetable 
 Snacks: baby carrots/ string cheese/ cherry tomatoes 
Dessert (if needed): sugar free jello

Since I will be at the beach, I plan to eat seafood a lot. I will document how I made healthy choices instead of my usual fried calamari. 

Maybe I will even run on the beach....ha ok. 

Still at 156..


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