Beach Babes vs Beached Whale

This weekend my family and I traveled  to the coast for a relaxing weekend on the beach. It has been a blast. The beach house my father -in -law rented has been awesome. The sun has been shining and lets just say that Alec and I are not visible at night. Traveling to 3 different beaches has given us a good tan for this next year. Conor on the other hand, looks like a bronze god with golden locks, while Alec and I look like leather. People dont believe we are his parents.

My goals were to be active and to eat decent until I got back and then continue on my low carb diet. I have done pretty good!

The being active part has been great. I have resisted the temptation to just lay out on the beach, which is pretty much impossible with Conor anyways. I have chased kids, jumped waves, played soccer, built sand castles, swam,  and looked for seashells. I have tried my hardest to burn the calories.

As for eating..
 When we have gone out to eat I tried to get boiled shrimp or anything besides fried. But when eating with my  husbands family, every meal is an event... and there is always dessert. I took some small steps towards eating healthier. I have also been true to my NO COKES RULE. This next week I plan on giving up Breads. No bread and No coke.... good luck Alec.

I am celebrating small successes, because these will become great accomplishments.

This trip has been great and the conversations have been very meaningful. My sister in law, Skyler and I had babies two weeks apart. She is having the same struggles with losing the baby weight too, even though she looks great! We started discussing the torture of being in a bathing suit, when we both felt so insecure. We both caught ourselves looking for others  made ourselves feel better about the fact that we are in a bikini. .. WTF?? We both couldn't believe that we actually did that. We quickly realized that as women when we feel insecure or jealous we look to find others to bring down with us.. Instead of fixing ourselves. Misery likes company.. That's when I became disgusted with myself.

We can't  blame men for saying we are all drama when sometimes we are. .  When do we just accept the fact that in order to be happy with ourselves we must WORK on ourselves? Not put other women down to make us feel better. We will never win if we are constantly jealous of what others have. No one is as happy  as they as seem on Instagram.

While my husband and I got a little break from our 15-month old monster, we took a swim in the ocean. It was very sexy with the salt water in our eyes and seaweed stuck in my hair....NOT. We had a talk about how far my husband has come this year (more on that in another blog post) and how healthy he looks. Oh yeah Alec, we get it you look great. My husband isn't this health nut, he works outside a lot and plays golf. He is also just gentically gifted.I refuse to give him credit for his physique ,the kid eats ice cream and starbursts every day.

I started to beat myself up again about the way I looked and my husband wasn't having it. He didn't feel sorry for me one bit. He simply told me that if I really cared I would do something about it. Ouch. But he is right. I dont care enough to do something. I just rather feel sorry for myself.
If I keep bitching about it and telling people how depressed I am, then I have an excuse to not work at it.

What I have come to realize, is that my body has changed after baby. I can't just low carb it for a week and lose ten pounds. When It comes to losing this weight, I have to actually work hard for the first time. Please God don't let me get pregnant!!! What is something that you have to  work hard for? Was it worth it??

Let the hard work begin.



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